Thursday, July 23, 2015

Watch into you , so, let watch into you

Among the beautiful ways of identify Allah

One is projecting your kingdom that on you to Allah and his kingdom on him.

You will realise Allah's existence watching your existence.
You will realise Allah's Attributes watching your attributes.
You will realise Allah's Lordship watching your lordship.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Its temporal: wishing deleted soon : Its verse of Qur'an that he all the time on us

He listen what we speak
He See what we are do see
He Knows what we think remember
He softly says what we feel

The secret is Sound and its listener
We sound meaningfuly with mought and it close then it too speak till the deepest in our self we can.
this let us listen and Allah too

Then it astetic that every human experience of perceiving by reception whether jahir or bat in lies in between them

Such revelation creativity intuity everything

All sees when you close eyes bit see back of eye lid, even shadow watch of outer world

Justice is my just

If you any sort harassed write Four copy of your complaign and the following offices
 - your nearest police station
 - your nearest police commissioner office
 - your city police metro police commissioner office
 - Head quarter of Police force
 - Armed force intelligence office public affairs cell
 - Military intelligence office separate Navy army air
 - Armed force Head quarter separate Navy, army, air.
 - office of priminister/ public affairs booth.
 - office of meaor of city corporation
 - office of district commitioner of administration
 - office of anti corruption
 - office of Human rights
 - office of Press clubs
 - office of local parlimenterian/ perliament secreteriate
 - office women and children anti-crime of govt
 - Human rights and legal support NGOs

 you first pass them a copy and take receiving note

later go again to check the progress if they want a copy again then give it and a copy of your with receiving signing

International Influencer are
 - Commonwealth Secrete rate
 - International Human write Association
 - Crime researce organization
 - EE commission Seceeteriate
 - UN Gen Secretary/ concerns
 - OIC
 - Saarc seceeteriate

- Public affairs department of British Queen.
- Norwaynain State department of social affairs
- US state crime cell ambessy of USA.

On paper attachment indents point
Don'tbring all together, or at lest the most influencial and must cent a copy to OIC  
and crime reseach

Don't mansions office to office.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Towards the Understandings towards the anti-doubtness

On reaching Haqiqat possibly the status of mind and soul compares the fruits symbolize the struggle I thoghtbof coconut and then irfan of As usual life through demand and supply. What ever it is, its look like journey become bigger.
Perhaps lichi > Sharifa > Guava > Coconut .
I goes Guava is observing

Monday, July 13, 2015

Yatimkhana is not Food bank unless you do its close to you

Bangladesh and rest Muslim Orphanage,
what happening to their education and their mental health where their stomach get food in 4 to 6 days even.
we need your patran as sadkatul Jariha, give any assets of your wakf or jointly with others association of wakf.
 that shops or chain malls, or your daily shopng for kitchen by home delivery, your regular persoanls usary, your transportation discount slip for public transport

Your Transactionable IDC for Virtual x Cloud Banks

A Very Small Suggestion From  a lonely planet Boy Helpless.
At adversity of present non cooperational Govt and their super observation to the Banks, Financial institutions, Money Houses, by the implication of international anti Muslim diplo-Political and Defence rise by designs, programs, agendas, spy network, it is necessary to Muslim rightious revivalist to avoid existing structer of mandatory registered institutions to the Govt, they are highly monitored except that is not a law, totally and come  to multi structure virtual fund and money Banks and contacting persons in chains as military floating command algorithms, an ever changing command stations,
at lower lavel, a huge number of geographically or technologically securely close group of people to come to chain flow the charity for nidah al Islam al zihad fi sabih al Allah. each donar will keep the money with him or in banks or some one of his own or trusts person who come to close to you and earn your trust and further come to other group ,
the group are micro cells(MC) that holds founds accumulated or discrete and a responsible one to keep eye open to society to world situation news securely and to defense industry traffic and human traffic.This lower level is a virtual micro cloud Bank (VmCB) totally disguised from tradition Bank and Govt servilance, ie its a collection of micro cells spread all over the world with their contribution, the calculation is virtual, money inVmCB. This cell MC will come in contact to actual Executer Cell or Justice cell JC through Contactor Cell :-)  that are capable of mobilize money within a country or political boarder with efficient high tech Deller Cell  DC to meet Muslim matter and purpose where interest exist, Here all cell are monetary contributor with bear contributor BECON who gain his contribution from other brother contributor, funds will mobilize with codes nature signs body signs. Then for greater interst outward, inward as well, the Boarder Cell ( BC ) capable as mediator to pass to Elite Cell EC. With each donner contributor has name (if) and unique distint ID.

the money may come to trade or local micro invest as cloud Bank and or other level at any sort of transaction Business, Bill Making, Demand endorsements, all are state authority bypass or at elite level allowable with responsibility to provide secrecy of. Any govt or agency, intervention, interfare, obligation, embergment will be consider Stand against Good thus will consider "Act of Enemy of Allah". Lanath Al Allah Alaihi for him/her.

Training and introducing places are Mosque, Khanka, Parks, Secure internet , Secure Satellite, Bus Stops, Malls, Exhibitions, relays, Talk shows, Stage Shows, Roads, Open Fields, Boats, Plane, Banks, Gass Station, National Occation, State Meetings, Police Stations, Airport, Sea port, Germents, Industrial Areas, Bridges, Graveyard, Top of Skyskrapper, Markets, Cinema Halls, Party Halls, Traffic Signals, City sides, Long drive, Lakes, Railways, Stations, Roof open around, Car Hat, Motor Cycle Hut, Inland Ports, Covered Van, Motels, Hotels, TV rooms residencial, Resorts, Stadium, Govt offices, media crews, Public Transport, Public Buss.

Level VmCB - MC IDC exist
Level VbCB - BC IDC exist
Level VcCB - CC IDC exist
Level VjCB -  JC IDC exist
Level VdCB - DC IDC exist
Level VeCB - EC IDC exist

With each donner contributor has name (if) and unique distint ID with Cloud Bank CODE as all together "IDC".
IDC format is ( Contributor ID + Cloud Bank CODE ) ie
 Using Commercial Banks international swift code whis is format "Bank code.Country code.location code.Branch code".
 With two types Code one for local contributor cell another for remote contributor cell.
- For local its any commercial branch Bank of a area close to all Cell Contributor and
- For remote its central bank swift code of anyone or for rest its any commercial branch bank of any one of cell.
- and for local or remote diferentiation code , whis is local L , remote R and none 0 after Bank swift code, which is status of contributor.
- For ID of a contributor is last two digit of combination in precedence,  first certificate exam registration>cell number> Bank Account number>month of date of birth> local airport code>Professional body registration.
Don't use your own operator number, airport code, 
If any ID field is empty or not applicabele will be fill with xx.
if any VxCB code null or not applicable will be fill with 00000000000
ie VxCB any of them,  for example, BSONBDDHFCD with status of remote/local/none , for example, BSONBDDHFCD0

So for complete transactionable IDC of a contributor is, for example,
 - :  89758712XAXX.BSONBDDHFCDR.000000000000.000000000000.000000000000.000000000000.000000000000

If contributor participate another cell, of level same or up/down, than IDC won't take miltiple VxCB field code in came cell until he transact in inter cells. with unique ID unchanged at any circumstances.
  For different cell contribution , for example, 
 -:  89758712XAXX.000000000000.000000000000.000000000000.000000000000.000000000000.BSONBDDHFCDL
If inter cloud Bank transaction placed which by Cloud Bank Concern Key Contributor's*, then IDC of Acc, for example,
 -:  89758712XAXX.000000000000.BSONBDDHFCDL.000000000000.000000000000.000000000000.BSONBDDHFCDR

Plz Study swift code:
First 4 characters - bank code (only letters)
Next 2 characters - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (only letters)
Next 2 characters - location code (letters and digits) (passive participant will have "1" in the second character)
Last 3 characters - branch code, optional ('XXX' for primary office) (letters and digits)

Airport Code

Virtual cloud Banker can come to social and and roll email and password
Brain booster please think deep
Think possitive.

You can create artificial accounts that will trace amounts he/she is ready to contribute
You can create artificial paper based currency at low level and note at higher level
Paper will be inscribed with VxCB fields and correspondent names cells and banks
Ending with signature equivalent codes individuals.

Each have accounts name and number to play with number and ready to contribute but keep untill
You can pass accounts to cloud to cloud Banks and grow it with trades and business with the accounts , and come to an accounts adjustments and of balances after weak month or year or years of credits and debts then practically can exchange real money until play with VxCB Currency paper and note Don't to disclose to state authority strongly

You can real transaction virtual currency by real paper nots and bills no state schedule banks, so you need to know and do as:
 1. An account unique name wit unique ID format with VmCB VbCB VcCB VjCB, IDC.
 2. Paper Based Notes and Bills prepare.
 3. Standard writing technics for note and bill with security concern
 4. Knowledge of Account entry.
 5. Software knowledge.
 6. Knowledge of communication and contact tecniq with security concern.
 7. Knowledge of international trade and Banking.
 8. Knowledge of Economics
 9. Knowledge of Asian Clearing House.
 10. Knowledge of money market
 11. Knowledge of Forex and Penny Trade.
 12. Knowledge of Currency Exchange
 13. Knowledge of Endorsements.
 14. Knowledge of Virtual money managements
 15. Knowledge of Hundi.
 16. Knowledge of cryptoms/ crytography / Coded encryption.
17. Knowledge of Usul e Deen.
18. Knowledge of Credit Commerce.

Its expecting you do your all contribution without real Bank money adjustment through out till not required at unexpected situations or and purposes.

Contributor with non moveable assets or financial assets can com forward avoiding any govt involvement or registration, even police information for his own self for any safeguards proofing dual siding on being disclose and remain safe fro Govt Authority. Asset contributors can set them all time ready to serve or chain use wit very strange coded notes in very strange iregularity, its just  a trip on road, an sitting for talks coded, no Hotel boarding registration, Flooding from shop road, cell phone , tablet phone, watch, cloth, shows, Books, internet billing , talking refilling, scratch card number in roads , mosque, shops, in caps, nespaper fold, inside Quran, Hadirh Book, falling on road, money on road, chocolate, Books left road side that coded,Bag pass, exchange of it, similar change, Glass billing, pressure in admission to institution, cooperation in having job offices, with coded, not arresting by law enforcement coded, Legal support coded, national bonds, share hand over to expert coded, national savings, bonds to expert, this through interesting match making , caligrphic, abjad, algorithm, word portion with sura ayat , Hadid book secret, All this Magic Code MD with strange code SD for next deal. all sort of govt public property military equipment and information support, office and departmental help and dates in back bite or gossipe or more close. Mosque jaynamaj exchange, shoe exchange, cap exchange, playing with khatib with signs, using different sounding caufing in salah Jamah, information pass by fare collector in public vehicle, by police people, back bytes by shop keeper and manager. data by riksha taxi driver, street hocker, pass by open window running away vehicle, data in packing, signing by packet straw throwing, number of frequency and style to split, style of staring , twinkong eye lids.
female leg anklets, ornament sound, number and arrangements of wear, perfume intensity, cell ring tone, shoe sliding sounds occueance, car horn, bus horn, match lighting, short range microwave connectivity, ajan style, long and short breath taking, walking style, along railway, lips stick color style, forehead tips, brace late, hair style, torching, showing woo, embarasements, crocker is sound, pulling of pants, stretch of tee shirt, itching on pajama, Salam style,.at shooting spot, campaign, care walk stage, bar, jogging road and park, puran Dhaka walk, media and sound firm.
Bleach of any trust will be regarded as Nifaq and no participation to the grave, Gyer Janajah Qurbatayn wal Ahle Bayet.
 By Helpless

for Virtual cloud Bankers

You can create artificial accounts that will trace amounts he/she is ready to contribute

You can create artificial paper based currency at low level and note at higher level

Paper will be inscribed with VxCB fields and correspondent names cells and banks
Ending with signature equivalent codes individuals.

Virtual cloud Banker can come to social and and roll email and password

Brain booster please think deep
Think possitive

Saturday, July 11, 2015

A very beautiful life with codes

A technical mind block for isolatation from an idea,ie, la ( no) but which is Positive in opposite and which is (Permissible, truly must coz its happened in society/State) negative handler goodness instead.
Such in Quran we don't gues , but we gues
We don't back bite, but we back bites,
We don't lie, but we lie,
We don't steal, but we steal,
We don't bribe, by we bribe,
We don't oppress, but we oppress, so
We don't deny, but we deny
We don't cheat, but we cheat
We don't part ship, but we partnership
We don't fabricate, but we fabricate
We don't fornicate, but we fornicate
We don't pervertion, but we pervertion

So that is haram which is ireasonable/unauthorized, and other is Halal ie reasonable/authirized

Truthfull/artistic straight forward
strict/to the right/right on law/tactfull/optimist/operational
Confident/brave/greedless/accepts good
Elaborate/Explain/thought fullness/problem solver/aggressively forwardlook/develop
We marry
Rightious/enlighten/Good loving

Negative Causation: ( Google : the ways to negative handle of Islamic state
Islamic term to negatively handle Islamic term
Istishab ( Handling Negative )

On Bidyat as on Prophets Saying:
There is bidyat which are bad intention a  fabrication that you don't involve
it brings gunah, but He who des fikr, istihad, tahkik in good intention, will be rewarded even it find errornious
on conditions that your are not error free.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Motion Picture !!!

Among the internity of Personality

Someone parishes but , how physically alive and come close to us
one is possessd , some one whether by negative who comes to you and do ugly to you, but the good comrpes close to you and stare on you
second on is having attitude or khaslat of parisher possibly before death, they will whether distance pass away by you frequently or come close blow air to you, and you feel strange and find someone strange,
bad are really bad.

Say no ! Central Tendency! please tabbing with it ! its mega central tendency!

Strength of abstrain from sin , the power of say no to your self, is an asset, a pious backbone for further proceeds , actually this the thing you can understand your other matter is OK, so cracker people strike in it, outside world is nothingjuat friendly introduce wrong thing, or trap you to , or creating high crearosity and attraction in eyes,
is astral world and astral mind free of it, what that do to u, come to you possesses there surat that take nasty arousal greed, lust , journey feel, demon sense that we say attitude suicidal or or giving someone destructive thing. so it is ten to fifty five time stronger doing it mind inside by mind penetration, astral bugs. then what the attached happen he clean from chacha cha hi.

Religious symbols comparision

And all others

Tok Jhal Mishti

Afraid of your life, career , once you born you are eternal like them

Insan e Kamel: Raise super natural power in you : Energy : ESP : Ext Caugnition : Miracle

Walk from your  living with joy but if you feel of return then sit talk or sleep even for short then start walk as it is , it a walk that suddenly wake to a point by devine awareness, it is a walk of being in another world, two world, seperate, walk such that you dont know where you are, swinging between world, walk that you never feel in return but you are in home again,
What is in that world, a memory drive, reasoning, all intuitive, flow of nile , Power words, self growing ideas, calmful vision, dramatic illusion, open dream.

The Grammar of Irfanyat from start to end you find in Ayat Al-Karima, whatever new thing you being introduced don't be too much excited and anything from that you lost don't be out of mind or anxiety not at all, rather wait or if you are in proactive than start a work on it. it meant you must not ruin your mind state that you achieved, by any sort of calamity in your takdir. Or you are yet not reached in shaped of mind rather you are just learner. Otherwise everything is just you are.

Don't think too much in lose and excited in gain, or not at all.

Its Silly

A curing series of acts by real sad observation
It all just you some how tortured to self either by physical or behavior or by mental ideas, a nute dying is you are straight bone species you eat by mouth and breath too but things fuel you and disperse downwards, why don't think same happen into receiver they are down, so you have to peak them up, one think is you body tissue, brain neuron need exercise.
its just make a room for flexibility, but what mist flexible you.
you can not start with hard thing first due to folds spin most understandable language.
Question to you
does you toe sings fingers neck chest heart, eyes, ear you are infected. solution. Someone loving you unknown.
-just play a game in brain see where is you focus make that point what ever you want to do, mind project there and deluxe, think they are coming to you, you mean your head if not neglet,like you drive to think listen, your throat may talk but neglect that, in this way you mental tissue will be exercised, you may want some brain come closr e to it. or drive it to some where, you don't force or just slite forcely start and then relux, at this stage you have to blood to your brain cell and full body, so twist or keep pressure to your muscle that brain that blood  reach and flows to your body as well. keep blood nerve rise
-Head kuthuri clean, twist head right left go with wat pas sure want, slide head left rich, left-right and twist opposite there
, up - down, straight front back, you breathe may cry , let it go
-Sit launging and refluxing facing what your force or pressure want,
think u are habla, habla deer ghapla nai, sheani rai jhut jhamelay
-annowed by human image merge them with you
-twin your focus and imazination from hard to soft , you may play with the line of balance, , start with rikha hood, there is bars
let you mind eyes through your physical eyes to see the bar right to left two time or till not it automatically twists, then mentally do, seems it getting stuck to force, just back foot for soft keeping your self, it let go foot. knee, back , bumper, neck and head , launch, heart , you wait and it go with jelly soft until it come to head, when it come to brain it will play folding game reversely, your eye to, keep the twist
-do it room like roof don't do it front
-do it whit at balkoni or roof or lake side, twist in to you same. by the way secretly, you have to maintain local and remote thinking remote is a imazine a line under withch a twist happens, you will see spinner, don't responepse, to talking muscle that hike in brain for information, don't think they are in beprain other people outside, anything come to you absorbe I mean face it, and it will fade out
-Now things will come close to you, you may thing obstacle getting open to you, you see you can read that you understands, you willingness not nothing, your intelligence, rationality intuition all stuck noe your mental war
- now pul your receiver by gilling , in this you your full ,tussle and nuronic arrange start to get out of spin and fold, a play, don't hard your self, soft, keep gilling , you see your head want fill in the blanks, blanks will be fill by soon non rotating muscle turns, now , use mental all emotional focuses or by turn, let all them embrace , nasal holes, brain skuss, specially lower front, first get attach it, when it hard to it and spinners visible do as you want, if a group or family group come just leave the skull but don't forget that it is connected and come agoan unti I return

The spine free you or having the root of you

Don't practice it:
Sit ground cool, try to set your backbone where it cool, if it moves atmospheric or have connecting cross perceiving, let it do, calm if your leg tied free it, if your alignment pull you back go back but rest a chair there that you don't feel fall 65 degree, by the way you have to find your best face, probably it south, your mind state to be sleep fall, very slowly, and thoughts are zen/Buddha technic or you find best or do nothing, just let your breath go on, if it goes its on way let it go let go, until the breath comes to sleep along your nose and your thoughts become citing, till don't feel calm
now concentrate to your self from out to in in physical world, the tendency is nothing if you have spin balling than you feel some turn in you going away from you, and giving you room to gradually coming freely centrally to you, at this stage you can start that sufi technic or wait you are totally to ever calm, universal sleep like.

Sufi technical realising self utmost that nothing but you
For get this physical universe both physical and virtual forget its materials your home your city, your country , your earth, solar, galaxy cluster, whole cosmos and your body , all gradually one by one, then you, still you find your body, don't forcely do its just let it go, wait initial you find the zero dimenrion world, the plane of roots of you, on this way what that want you to force is spin , it may natural, it may some sort atmospheric or it may some sort magic to you or tie, or secret intelligencing in you, you see spin turns going away, if you are mind talker, you may have face talks,
don't go away from you or let you blow in any turn. its not enjoyingbjourny, your presence in dimensionless plane of existance  the root of you. Focus the central of you with good balance of obsracles.
Good luck for your dimensionless world.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Boithok Uttom : Nafs er upor julum kari ship hosto Morton kari

Hey! do you have good job / Hey! do you have nice time / Hey! do you have hard bank balance.

In terms of services jobs we, ask each other what you do for you living or more consizely (attacking or valuing) where you work? thing is that modern civilization (technological) introduced us capitals of activties , industrialization, international trade, secreteriate of scientificing and efficiency there on, people hold tight land get rights. But modern civilization wheather didnt work for emplyment opportunities or its just happened very rapid before starring at or economics term scarecity, truly its just "Unemployment exist" so what people do, are they lessfortunate lazy worthless and barden for society, why, though opportunity may come at any cause, noway that we become machine for wealth, hunter on esteem, corporature, burnocratic, but living a beautiful life full peace, calm, society building, faith reforming, revivals, more insieghtful, that Prior it our forfather lived jointly and do work when & where needed others did social activities debating gossiping and exploring, it was age barless.
and we got food from our home if we are not away. farming fishing singing learning and visiting the royal, royal are as same in context.

Work or any effort need time, We need time to do something if every bodies time is in corporation, then who will be there for thinking conveying, preach ideas, wareness grower, being innovative, creative, down to earth life, who will do religious movements or any other movements which is more scientific or progressive or welfarer for society and human race advancing.

Muslim are most oppressed, misleads, less or low opportunist, badly sectorial, generation cleansing, children of faith unaware of identity, its true knowledge and face, ignorant of for fathers glory, discouragements, over life loving, fear and admiration to Power blindly or hate explorer.

So what Muslim people do, what most important for them.
so they will try on it, will learn how to do it best and sofhistically.
Keep of mind, some try from there desk, some try it from meeting table, some from home and there living from there.
Allah is not needy. So don't ask of proffession or occupation if you know or you feel someone's embarsement, who soon come to know of his Botheration. So check the people with the followings:

-Tawakkaltu Ilallah
-Mahjubat - not clear understanding what to do.
-Maslihah- Sudden rise of performing certain task or late or waited success.
-Talbian e deen
-Nidah e Islam
-Zihad fi Sabilillah
-Fidayeen e Ummah
-Fiqr e Deen Dunya Ummah (Mutafiqq)
-Writters, articles publishers
-Think tanking
-Jisus walk/ Isah e Kadam
-Green lovers
-Alternative Singer, Musician, Composser
-Alternative Artist Performer Producer and crews. (Main stream & Non)
-Freelance Painter, Book Sellers,
-Open Book reader and Open Tablet and Handheld surfer.
-Ameture/Freelance Photographer
-Ameture tourist and wild life researcher.
-Sky observer.
-Finds coholic.
-Freelance journalist and open reporter.
-Fashion Designing and Micro Magezine publisher.
-Home Studious and Readers
-Freelance/Ameture Detective and Investigator.
-Ameture Inspector.
-Ameture Athonic researcher.
-Ameture street and vehicle watcher.
-Freelance/Ameture,   film/short film maker & advertiser.
-Ameture Poperty and garden look after.
-Apartment & shop rentee.
-Freelance Programmer.
-Eithical Hacker.-Content maker and Collector.
-Culture visitor and Donar raiser.
-Cyber zens
-Mind driver and dream riser.
-Astral Spiritual Passerby/ Ruhani Safr.

For certain reason , who living a certain life , for a certain cooperation.

"Takdir is strange but affordable, try for your rijik what is in it for best rewards."
Those who want or desire beside and think from his in depth self.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Welcome to your selfseight

The Gist of Sufism
The Heart of the Matter
TASAWWUF (Islamic Mysticism) --- THE FOUR STAGES OF TAZKIYA (Spiritual Development)


By nature, man is innocent and inclined to right and predisposed to virtue. This is his true nature, just as the nature of a lamb is to be gentle and of a horse to be swift. But man is caught in the meshes and impediments of 1) selfish desires (hijab al-nafs = veils or psychic aspects of man's carnal self) 2) customs (hijab-al-rusoom = influence or influences of man's environment -- social, cultural, political, religious, etc.) 3) false teachings and superstition (hijab-al-marifat). This may make him 1) unclean; 2) desiring for what is false and forbidden; 3) deflected from the love of his fellow man; and 4) deflected from the pure worship of the one true God.
The path of Islam is simple and easy. It does not depend on complex or difficult-to-understand mysteries or self-mortifications, but on straight and goodly conduct in accordance with man's nature as implanted in him by God, as the Qur'anic verse 30, chapter 30, informs us:

"Therefore set right your face for the obedience of God, being one devoted to Him only: (establish) God's handiwork according to the pattern on which He has made mankind; no change (let there be) in the work (wrought) by God: that is the standard Religion: but most among mankind understand not."
On the other hand, spiritual perfection may be most difficult, for it involves complete surrender on our part to God in all our 1) affairs, 2) thoughts and 3) desires.
Now, the problem before the spiritual teachers/murshids/shaykhs/sufi masters is to cure this crookedness arising out of the three hijabs/impediments referred to in the first paragraph, and restore human nature to what it should be under the Will of God.

The sufi teachers and spiritual adepts teach and train their disciples how to prosper and succeed by following the prescriptions of tazkiya, zikr and salat.

A disciple (i.e., a salik, a 'seeker after God', the traveler on the spiritual path, the pilgrim) has to pass through certain 'stages' (maqamat) and experience certain 'states' (ahwal) in order to attain his ultimate end.

After cleansing the body, as laid down by the Shariah, (Islamic jurisprudence based on, and derived from, the Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad's Traditions, i.e., records of his sayings, actions, and implied approval of things/acts) there appears to be four main stages:

1) First, 'Purification of the self' (tazkiya-e-nafs). This means cleansing the sensual self from its a) morally hateful, b) blameable c) animal propensities and embellishing it with laudable and angelic attributes or qualities. It is also known as the carnal or appetitive soul and is capable of purification.

It is also described as nafs-e-ammara or the tendency in man to disobey God.

Nafs is also the seat of passion and lust.

2) Second, 'Cleansing of the heart' (tazkiya-e-qalb). This means erasing from the heart its a) love for the short-lived world and b) its worry over griefs and sorrows, and establishing in their place an ardent love (ishq) for God alone.

Heart has the faculty of Divine knowledge/gnosis (ma'rifat).

3) Third, 'Emptying of the Sirr' (takhliya-e-sirr) from all thoughts that would divert attention from the remembrance of God.

Sirr is an organ of mystical vision.

4) Fourth, 'Illumination of the spirit' (tajliya-e-ruh). This means filling the spirit with the effulgence of God and the fervour of His Love.

Ruh = Spirit is the place of Divine Love.

Passing through these disciplines, the sufis make spiritual progress and attain ma'rifat/gnosis and Reality is then revealed to them.

There appears some difference of approach among the various Orders of the sufis, but there is none in the spiritual concentration required. There may be diversity in dealing with the manifold forms of manifestation, but they are all one in the realization of the Reality behind them.

The Three Main Sufi Orders
There are three main sufi orders: 1) the Qadiriyya Order, 2) the Naqshbandiyya Order and 3) the Chishtiyya Order. Details of other orders may be found in such classical reference books as Kashf al-Mahjub of Ali Hujwiri or Ihya Ulum-id-Din of Imam Ghazzali.

1. The Qadiriyya Order

a) The sufis of this Order emphasize 1) the emptying of the 'sirr' from all thoughts other than God and 2) the purification of self from all i) blameable ii) animal and iii) Satanic qualities.

b) They maintain that: a) human spirit has come from the 'World of Command' (Alam-al-Amr) and b) is capable of reflecting the Divine effulgence. But, due to impurities of 'self'/nafs, it does not do so. (For instance, when the mirror becomes rusty it cannot reflect any form placed in front of it, but, when the rust is removed, it begins to reflect clearly.

2. The Naqshbandiyya Order

a) The sufis of this Order lay much emphasis on contemplation.

b) They hold that the human spirit, as such, is devoid of all forms, but if you fill it with a form, it will have no room left for other forms.

c) Now, to attain Reality, one has to concentrate on Reality, uninfluenced by any aspect of the surrounding phenomenal world, and engage all the powers of thought, imagination and perception to accomplish this task.

d) That is why they consider yad dasht (constant remembrance) to be the most important method in suluk. This method means 'concentration upon the Divine presence without the aid of words or ideas.'

3. The Chishtiyya Order

a) For the Chishti sufis, the most important requirement is the love of God.

b) This is how they explain it.

When a person falls in love with somebody, he keeps on thinking of his beloved incessantly, and at every moment, his longing grows more and more intense. Similar is the case of real love or the love of God.

c) To create this love, the sufis of this Order advise 'loud or vociferous' remembrance of God
(dhikr bil Jahr = vociferous, loud, remembrance). It increases the heat of the heart and in turn generates love for God.

d) They also advise listening to Sama under strict conditions.

e) I agree with Dr. Mir Vali-ud-din, the author of a book entitled Contemplative Disciplines in Sufism, that it is by love alone that the salik (disciple) attains to all the high stages of suluk (= the path to God), e.g., 1) self-effacement (= annihilation or Fana), 2) subsistence in God (baqa), and 3) the sense of the perpetual presence of God (huzuri-e-qalb).

f) It is love by which selfhood is naughted, human limitations are removed and direct observation of Reality is made possible.

g) For detailed knowledge on this subject, I recommend Dr. Mir Vali-ud-din's Contemplative Disciplines in Sufism and The Quranic Sufism. Most of my talk today was based on some of the essential points culled from those books.

The above article was originally a speech delivered by Syed Mumtaz Ali in 1996.

Very peace of mind in calm

Qalimah e Iman and Itikad