In terms of services jobs we, ask each other what you do for you living or more consizely (attacking or valuing) where you work? thing is that modern civilization (technological) introduced us capitals of activties , industrialization, international trade, secreteriate of scientificing and efficiency there on, people hold tight land get rights. But modern civilization wheather didnt work for emplyment opportunities or its just happened very rapid before starring at or economics term scarecity, truly its just "Unemployment exist" so what people do, are they lessfortunate lazy worthless and barden for society, why, though opportunity may come at any cause, noway that we become machine for wealth, hunter on esteem, corporature, burnocratic, but living a beautiful life full peace, calm, society building, faith reforming, revivals, more insieghtful, that Prior it our forfather lived jointly and do work when & where needed others did social activities debating gossiping and exploring, it was age barless.
and we got food from our home if we are not away. farming fishing singing learning and visiting the royal, royal are as same in context.
Work or any effort need time, We need time to do something if every bodies time is in corporation, then who will be there for thinking conveying, preach ideas, wareness grower, being innovative, creative, down to earth life, who will do religious movements or any other movements which is more scientific or progressive or welfarer for society and human race advancing.
Muslim are most oppressed, misleads, less or low opportunist, badly sectorial, generation cleansing, children of faith unaware of identity, its true knowledge and face, ignorant of for fathers glory, discouragements, over life loving, fear and admiration to Power blindly or hate explorer.
So what Muslim people do, what most important for them.
so they will try on it, will learn how to do it best and sofhistically.
Keep of mind, some try from there desk, some try it from meeting table, some from home and there living from there.
Allah is not needy. So don't ask of proffession or occupation if you know or you feel someone's embarsement, who soon come to know of his Botheration. So check the people with the followings:
-Tawakkaltu Ilallah
-Mahjubat - not clear understanding what to do.
-Maslihah- Sudden rise of performing certain task or late or waited success.
-Talbian e deen
-Nidah e Islam
-Zihad fi Sabilillah
-Fidayeen e Ummah
-Fiqr e Deen Dunya Ummah (Mutafiqq)
-Writters, articles publishers
-Think tanking
-Jisus walk/ Isah e Kadam
-Green lovers
-Alternative Singer, Musician, Composser
-Alternative Artist Performer Producer and crews. (Main stream & Non)
-Freelance Painter, Book Sellers,
-Open Book reader and Open Tablet and Handheld surfer.
-Ameture/Freelance Photographer
-Ameture tourist and wild life researcher.
-Sky observer.
-Finds coholic.
-Freelance journalist and open reporter.
-Fashion Designing and Micro Magezine publisher.
-Home Studious and Readers
-Freelance/Ameture Detective and Investigator.
-Ameture Inspector.
-Ameture Athonic researcher.
-Ameture street and vehicle watcher.
-Freelance/Ameture, film/short film maker & advertiser.
-Ameture Poperty and garden look after.
-Apartment & shop rentee.
-Freelance Programmer.
-Eithical Hacker.-Content maker and Collector.
-Culture visitor and Donar raiser.
-Cyber zens
-Mind driver and dream riser.
-Astral Spiritual Passerby/ Ruhani Safr.
For certain reason , who living a certain life , for a certain cooperation.
"Takdir is strange but affordable, try for your rijik what is in it for best rewards."
Those who want or desire beside and think from his in depth self.
In Educational views our for father times, nujurgani and social priority goes to mutawalli or learning tendency from renowned or prominent shyekh